Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Commitments to Care

As part of the “We Put Patients First” effort at NYP, employees are making their own “commitments to care.” These commitments are individual promises to improve how we interact with each other and with those we are here to serve. These commitments are personal and powerful. And, together, as we all make and keep our commitment to care, we can create an environment that we will all be proud of.

Top 10 Commitments to Care-Taken from our employee retreats

“I promise to not let people upset me. When they are upset I will not let anyone make me frown.nec”
“I commit to looking while listening.”
“I will go beyond my job responsibilities to aid patients.”
“I promise to say "Is there anything else? Because I have the time."”
“I'm going to try to smile and keep calm while I am dealing with a families that are upset and attempt to help them resolve their problems.”
“I will listen to the patient's request and follow through with a response.”
“I will use kindness and humor with patients.”
“Every time I meet a new patient I will treat them like a family member.”
“I commit to controlling my mood and attitude at work and remaining positive and professional.”
“I commit to not be frustrated with family members asking the same questions over and over.”

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