Monday, March 31, 2008


It is EXTREMELY important that you all practice perfect hand hygiene. Studies have shown that over 100,000 people die every year from infections they acquired while in the hospital.The NUMBER ONE thing we can do to prevent infection is very simple—wash our hands!

NYP requires that everyone who has patient contact MUST wash their hands before and after patient contact. This includes volunteers! Hand washing stations are located around your workspace. In addition, Purell containers are also throughout the hospital. This alcohol based gel works extremely well in killing germs and only takes a few seconds to do. Washing hands is not an option—we ALL have to do this for our patients’ safety.

Please Purell before and after entering a patient's room, even if you are just stopping in! There are undercover monitors on the floor checking up on each of you and I have already had reports of certain volunteers not Purelling. Do not let this be you!

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