Monday, December 31, 2007


Welcome to the NFVolunteers blog for Nancy's Friends Volunteers! The posts on this blog are meant to be interactive and facilitate communication between volunteers. It is my hope to create a sense of community for our special program. Many volunteers encounter similiar experiences during shifts and I think it will be a positive move forward to be able to share on a regular basis what aspects of volunteering you find rewarding or challenging. I also plan to use this blog to share information, interesting articles and any upcoming special events. Please share your thoughts about the blog or anything else that you see fit!


Anonymous said...

Just testing =)

Anonymous said...

As a fellow NF volunteer I am so excited to have this blog ! I am looking forward to reading and posting my experiences. :)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful idea! This will provide a forum for much-needed--and wanted--interaction with other volunteers.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful idea! Looking forward to interacting with other NF volunteers.

Anonymous said...

Good article in USA Today, Jan. 7, 2008, (page 9D) called "Finding Strength in Numbers," by Marilyn Elias. It explores the benefit that cancer patients may gain from interaction with each other and from strong caregiver support.